What legacy has the culture of the 1980s left for the present?

--> music genres such as hip hop (with the art of breakdancing) and electronic that originated in the 1980s are now more popular than ever [8]

--> the first cable networks like MTV [8] first running in the early 1980s have revolutionized the way music is shared and interpreted through music videos (the first one MTV aired is on the Music page)

--> technology to develop arcade games was first comercialized in this decade, and has spread to malls all over the world ever since [8]

--> many Milton-Bradley and Hasbro board games have become classics that the original targat audience now shares with their own children
        ~ examples include Simon, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, Connect Four, Operation, & Trouble (just to name a few)

--> the development of making music portable was a gradual change that made leaps and bounds in the 80s becasue of the use of boomboxes and walkmen, naturally giving way to the cd and mp3 players we use today [8]

Some Relics Seen Today

The 1982 futuristic hit "Tron" was rejuvenated in the 2010 sequel "Tron Legacy" [9].
T shirts and other knick-knacks like buttons (below) also show the numerous ways the 80s contribute to society today.

And Last...

        Besides these small contributions like arcade games and music videos, the 80s have made to the present, they most of all created a new type way for people to express themselves. Freedom of mind was one of the major drives of what the culture of the 80s produced, and this explains why the need to be seen and heard, especially in young people was so prevelant. The willingness to be bold and proud was a direct result of the counterculture movement the decade before, and gave way to the rebellious punk-rock decade afterwards that was the 90s. Most of all, people have continued to strive to embrace their identites and personalities since this decade, rather than constantly conforming in the 1950s, for example.

page by Karly Coppola